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Bev's Harakeke

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My Vision is?

"To create artwork that we all fall in love with"  

Ko Whetumatarau te maunga 

Ko Awatere te awa 

Ko Hinerupe te marae 

Ko Te Whānau a Tūwhakairiora te hapū 

Ko Bev Smith ahau 

Tihei mauri ora!                                                              


About Harakeke, NZ Flax or Phormium tenax

Harakeke or flax is a native plant to Aotearoa, New Zealand and is one of our most ancient plant species. Harakeke can be found growing throughout New Zealand. Its a plant with tall, green, sword-like leaves, black flower stalks with dull red flowers. Harakeke was the name given to this plant by Māori. The first European traders called it ‘flax’ because its fibres were similar to that of true flax found in other parts of the world. Although we still call it flax today, harakeke is really a lily. 


I live in Te Araroa, a small coastal town on the East Cape of the North Island, New Zealand. Te Araroa is home to New Zealand's largest and oldest Pōhutukawa tree. Te Araroa is also known as the gateway to the East Cape Lighthouse, the most easterly point on mainland New Zealand and the first place to see the sunrise in the world each day.

Waione Rd,

Te Araroa 4087

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